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Kingstonian 3
Goode (14'), Small (32'), Pattison (53')
1 Leiston
Heath (48')

Three-scoring K’s at it again

Central to the psyche of the football fan is the expectation that everything is about to go wrong at any given moment.

Kingstonian's third home game of the season against Leiston proved a perfect example of this. After an unbeaten start to the season, a home game against a recently promoted side sitting in the relegation zone seemed the perfect opportunity for it ?all to start going wrong'. And then after an opening 15 minutes where the hosts dominated possession and camped in the visitors half but failed to score it felt like ?one of those days.' Finally after Leiston reduced their deficit to 2-1 early in the second half ?the comeback was on.'

None of these assumptions were true. Upon reflection, Ks were never in danger of taking anything less than three points from their home fixture with Leiston. Despite taking their foot off the gas in the second half, they remained in control throughout. They controlled the game from the back, dominated possession in midfield and, despite missing their two attacking forces, caused the Leiston defense problems all afternoon long. You'd never here a fan say it during a game, but it was a comfortable victory. How very unlike Kingstonian.

So dominant were the hosts in the opening quarter of an hour that the ball rarely left the Leiston half. Sam Clayton and Matt Pattison were both denied by fine defensive blocks before Aaron Goode broke the deadlock. Pattison's pass bounced off a defender and while Goode had to check his run, his finish into the far corner was powerful and precise to give Ks the lead. Just as Leiston were beginning to get a foothold in the game, a calamitous moment in defence gifted Alan Dowson's side a second. Kieran Murphy sent a long ball forward for Wade Small to chase in the 33rd minute, but just as visiting keeper Louis Johnson appeared to have it covered, his own defender Joe Jefford poked it out of Johnson's hands and into the path of Small who had the simple task of looping the ball into the net.

They say a two-goal lead is the most dangerous in football, and as the hosts cruised towards half time, Leiston finally put some pressure on Rob Tolfrey's goal. Balls were bouncing round his previously empty penalty area for a five-minute spell before Rhys Dark smashed the ball past Tolfrey for the Suffolk side, only to see it rebound back off the bar much to the goalkeeper's relief.

For seven second-half minutes, Ks looked shaky after Murphy's sloppy defensive played allowed to Dark to play in Gareth Heath to half their arrears in the 48th minute. However this Ks side clearly has something about it. Small continued to test the visitors' backline and won a free kick on the edge of the box. Matt Pattison stepped up, smashed the ball into the bottom corner, and the Leiston resistance was crushed. 3-1, game over.

The game petered out from there, Goma Lambu and Clayton test Johnson in the Leiston goal and Nathan Munson brought a good stop out of Tolfrey, but Ks never looked less than home and dry.

An impressive, worry-free victory. The top scorers in the league. Next week at Guildford City seems the perfect opportunity for it all to start to go wrong.

Published Wednesday 12th September 2018